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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yasum Designs

YASUM DESIGNS has free skins for guys n girls, store also has other great freebies scattered around take teleport to freebie room.  Must join group to get gifts, joining the group is free.


SZD has free shorts, must join group to receive. Also SZD has been having an 60L sale all items new or old in store just 60L. I love the quality of the products here, it's well worth taking a look.Store carries male and female apparel.


AMACCI  Has free skins for subscribers, just hit the subomatic at entrance, go to history click 1 to receive gift.


(RED)(MINT)  Free :Leather Dress, Must join group for free to get gift.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Vero Modero

Vero Modero has a variety of gifts available to group members. Group is free to join.

Sf Designs-High Society

Sf Designs-High Society has free formal wear a nice black traditional tuxedo for guys and a beautiful black gown for the ladies. Pic of outfits below, myself and Eleanor Enoch Model them

Just Because

Jeans for guys and girls at JUST BECAUSE, must join group to get jeans.


UpperMan has a free group gift this week, only available for a short time so hurry and get it..pic of gift below


-KURENAI MOTORCYCLE- & KURENAI MODE, Kutze - has a free unisex hair sample comes in tons of colors.

Memorial Day Tribute

Toxic Kitty

-Toxic Kitty- has few free groups gifts scattered about, including the rosary beads below.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


New find BLACK-MARIA, join group for free to get gifts. Black-Maria also has lucky boards spread about.

Nowaki skin [BND] tan Dollarbies/Promo 10L

Its way hard to find low prices, cheap or free male skins on Sl so when I find one I like to share. This is not a demo I bought it to check it out myself. I found this skin on Second Life Markerplace.

Nowaki skin [BND] tan Dollarbies/Promo 

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Free group gift at KLETVA, join group to get gift, hair board just up the stairs.


SHIKI has tons of free gifts for guys and girls. Membership to the group is free,once you join you have two years of free VIP gifts to select from.

Monday, May 23, 2011


SOMOPOP is a cute little store where I found tons of dollerbies (also lucky boards) for guys and girls, photo's of some of the things I got below.

Style Extrem/Upper Man

Style Extrem/Upper Man has 3 easy to find freebie gifts hidden around it's store. They are pretty easy to find, pics of gift below, shorts, denim jacket, burgundy jersey.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Australia's Got talent....yes yes it does.

I really gotta get to Australia asap. lol


have some freebies and dollarbies spread out through their Mainstore.
I got the outfit below there  I only payed 20L for  it and some parts of it was free.
I also got jeans and a couple shirts...


YDEA has free outfits for both men and women.


Ever just feel completely disconnected from everyone and everything, friends, family, community. I've been having one of those times the last week or so. I think the song above sorta says all that I've been feeling.
I love how music can do that.


[BAIT] has dollarbies and lucky boards, I like this store has a lot of stuff I'll be back to buy in the future. I got the two shirts below for 1L.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011


CDC (Center For Disease Control) guidelines on how to deal with Zombies!
Just in case the Rapture comes tomorrow.

Oh I'm not the Zombie I'm the scary one. (Me at Universal Orlando last Summer with hot Zombie friend lol)
Link for CDC story in captions above.

Free Aviators at Glow

I'm usually pretty wary of free shades, they always tend to look flat not 3 dimensional and well just cheap, but the ones I got for free as a group gift at GLOW are pretty sweet.  Hurry and get them the glasses are only available for a short time.

[Rockberry] Eyes

Free eyes at [Rockberry] can be worn by men or women.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Free group gifts at [Anaphora]  scene/emo/punk hair. I love the look of this store, and many of the hair styles are unique to this store only. The glass bridge that links the clothing side and hair side of the store kinda freaks me out, but never the less very cool looking. ^_^ Oh, you must join the group and look in group notices to receive hair.


One of my favorite bands, they are from South Africa. I got turned onto them by my cousins when I was in South Africa a couple summers ago with my grand parents. I really wish they'd catch on in the states. They have such an unique cool sound. Loves<3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I made a great find! I got several t-shirts and a backpack at this very cool store called Lowlifes The look of the store is amazing, and their products are so cool. I'm definitely going back there when I get the time.
Here are some of the products I got from Lowlifes below. Oh FYI only spent 2L the rest was free. ^_^

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Rotten Hunt...

The Rotten Hunt is an in store hunt at Defiance. It's pretty simple you look around store for mini skulls. There are male and female items hidden in mini skulls around the store. Here is the LM to the store and hunt...THE ROTTEN HUNT 

ZoiZoi modeling outfit from  the rotten hunt below.

Henry Cavill

I <3 Henry Cavill

Free KUSO AO's Boy & Girl

Great animation overrides from KUSO available for free on Second Life Market Place. Here are the links for Boy & Girl AO's.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Free Dove

FREE DOVE is a freebie store but unlike some this place has some high quality items.
Outfit I'm wearing in pic below from Free Dove. Hair from Uncleweb Shoes ilo*.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stardust Lady Stardust.

This song has been In my head all day I thought I'd share. Unfortunately the video and audio for some reason isn't synced, but I really love this song. I know this blog is for SL stuff, but occasionally I'll make random post like this.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Skate Park!

I stumbles on an awesome place at BALKANIK  you can buy a skateboard for 1 linden witch actual functions that you can use on the skateboard ramps. Also they have an BMX bike there you can purchase for free. I had so much fun I was there for about an hour.

Hair Trio Exile

Exile has a free selection of hair located on a wall in front of its main the left to the left. lolz


Gabriel has some pretty snazzy group gifts, get over there and get em...oh remember to hit the group joiner!
The store is having an 50% off sale and also has some dollerbies scattered around.

Heaven's Gate Neo

Heaven's Gate Neo has free Yaoi/Anime style skins. Look for lucky boards in the store as well.
Personally I like the skins might not be every one's taste, but if you are looking for a free skin until you can purchase one; this is a great alternative.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gabriel 50% Off Sale

Gabriel is having a 50% off sale. In the store you will find an group gifts wall pictured bellow. The group is free to join. Also to the right of the group gift wall there are a couple dollarbie shirts for men. Ladies you aren't left out either there are free gifts that are unisex and ones just for women in the store as well.

My First Freebie Find!

Free t-shirt wall at"bleh". Store is inexpensive and has some really cool stuff for guys and girls.


Real Life Me