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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love this song.

Another gay teen bullied to death. =(

So sad just heard about this an hour ago on tumblr. This has to stop. =(

Jamie Hubley, a gay 15-year-old from Ottawa, Canada, committed suicide on Friday.
The 10th grade student documented his life, including his depression and the hardships of being a gay teen, in a blog, reports the Ottawa Citizen.
The blog, called "You Can't Break... When You're Already Broken" featured posts with numerous references to and photos of self harm and cutting, pictures of guys kissing and mentions of wanting a boyfriend, and bleak, ominous messages like "Sometimes I wish the breeze would just take me with it," "The only thing worse than being hated is being ignored. At least when they hate you they treat you like you exist," and "Suicides is always an option."
Other posts revealed how difficult school was for Hubley:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm leaving SL

My disenchantment has come to a conclusion. I've decided to leave Sl to take better care of myself both mentally and socially. I will remember all the nice, friendly and creative people I met there, all the amazing visual sites some avatar others environment. I'm not leaving as a ploy for attention whore-ism, or to hurt anyone. I'm leaving because it's best, I've did everything I've wanted in SL and it's taught me a lot about myself and others. I'm leaving because I want more real tangible human connections and to make more experiences for myself  I'll miss a lot of things about Sl, but this decision is a good one and a final one I'll keep this blog going with random things, but sl will no longer be a part of it.

Sincerely Sean formerly known as Sean Brecher.

Friday, October 14, 2011

It Stops Here (Kyle) sings born this way on CNN Anti-bullying special. (heart breaking)


Be a Warrior for Jamey Weekend Schedule

Location: Tadd's Cabaret and Dance Club
Saturday, October 22
7-9 PM SL Time

DJ Jared  Presents Be a Warrior!
with Jamey's Warriors
Sunday, October 23
3-9 PM SL Time

6 Top DJ's:

InysX  Piranha 3-4 PM

Loki Kahanamoku 4-5 PM

Queen Edman 5-6 PM

Johny Alderton 6-7 PM

TinaMaire Beck 7-8 PM

Jared Palianta 8-9 PM

SLURL to Tadd's:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011