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Friday, November 25, 2011

Pete Burns

I'm fascinated by him. I didn't really discover him until Big Brother UK which I watched online. He was huge in the 80's apparently, but now is famous for his bizarre looks, plastic surgery, and eccentric persona. I personally like anyone who marches completely to the beat of their own matter how weird and crazo that drum happens to be.

Roberto Bolle (Ballerino)

I love to dance (just not Ballet) at one time I was placed in ballet. I say placed because it wasn't really my choice or my desire I would have preferred taking karate or gymnastics at the time. I have a very persuasive grand mother who was once a dancer herself (now an instructor) who Toddler and Tiaraed me into it for lack of better words. She believed I had the perfect body frame for a ballerino I was thin, angular and she saw that I was very flexible from watching me play. I never liked it or I should say I never had a passion for it like she did, or how a lot of the other kids in my ballet classes did....Adagio, Arabesque, Barre, Batterie all seemed to run together and confuse me. I believe as well as many others that you have to have a passion for something to be truly  spectacular at it.  Even with saying all this I still keep up with Ballet, but as a Fan I respect the art the dancers (especially the dancers) the craft, the hard work and physical strength, pain, endurance that goes into this beautiful art.

Roberto Bolle is a God among Gods in the Ballet world he is truly poetry in motion, his body is sheer perfection. Also and maybe this is just my homosexual side talking, but the man is fucking hot. Yes if you haven't guessed I'm a fan. He makes me think I should have stayed in ballet if only to have possibly had a chance to be in his presence. Eh a boy can dream can't he.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful (Happy Thanksgiving)

 I'm thankful for family/friends/my pets/health I'm even thankful for my kid sister Emily even though we argue and fight we love each other and have gotten a lot closer since our parents divorce. I love you Emm's!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Can't wait until Tuesday to see this!

The face has it.

Ok, I love a athletic guy with a fit body, but if he doesn't have a cute face nuh uh, I guess I'm sort of like a toddler that way...being that little babies are more drawn to people with symmetrical faces.Anyway I came across this pic of this guy I don't know who he is, but he has one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen...if anyone knows who it is please let me know.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Cast of the Hunger Games!

Totally geeking out on the official cast photo! I love the Hunger Games books I can not wait until the movie comes out OMG so excited rereading the last two books!