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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

                                          My Sister and I Christmas Circa 1993-94...something. lolz

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chris Lilley is a comedic Genius

I can';t wait until his new show "Angry Boys" starts on HBO! Oh and "Summer Heights" is classic. You can watch most of the episodes of "Summer Heights High" on youtube.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Loved the book and the movie looks promising.

Based on a Nicholas Sparks book "The Lucky One" stars Zac Efron. There is huge buzz that this will show him as a real acting talent unlike the disappointing "Charlie St. Cloud." The movie comes out in April of 2012. I really want to see it looks pretty amazing. Wasn't sure Efron could play a good Logan, but from this clips I'm impressed.

Happy Hanukkah!


Just in case economic, political, and social disparity isn't enough to get you to occupy Wall Street....

I'm on my way to believing

You meet someone that makes you slowly start to change how you feel about relationships and love and suddenly some how all those silly love songs start to make sense. You actually find yourself getting teary eyed over them. It's silly, fantastic, and scary (in a good way) all at the same time.

Monday, December 19, 2011

In Case you missed any movies in 2011

Stuff I'm Subscribed to on Youtube (Sean Sub's)

Since I'm always posting YouTube stuff I've decided to post stuff  I'm subscribed to on there. I dunno it may bore you, it may entertain you, anyway I thought I'd share. =) The first "Sean Sub's" choice of the week is Shane Dawsons Christmas special.

Face Of The Week (Model/Actor) Janos

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hottest Man In the UK (Harry Judd)

Yes, we have Bradley Cooper, which I never agreed with as People magazines hottest man of the year. I do however agree with UK's choice; despite them overlooking my Henry Cavill, but I'm thinking hot Henry Cavill will get his dues in 2012. Harry Judd is the 25 year old Drummer for the pop group McFly. All the guys in Mcfly are and they often like to have random moments of nudity gotta love that. Good choice UK on your sexiest man of the year!

Monday, December 12, 2011

So not racist or homophobic, just effin funny

Face of the Week ( Mick Lovell) Model/Bel Ami Boy

Not sure what his real name is, but he's one of the first American guys to sign a deal with Bel Ami studios. Rumor has it that he was one of the many boys Fundamentalist (FLDS not LDS) Mormons toss on the streets of Utah and else where that have to strive to some how make a way of their own on their own. My question is why porn and not legitimate modeling? This guy is stunningly gorgeous.  I guess porn "legitimate modeling" same thing I've heard some pretty nasty things about what can happen to young guys in both worlds.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mommy and Me!

Forgot to post this when I posted the pic of me and Emm's!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hot Prince's

Prince Amedeo
 Age: 24
 Country: Belgium

Andrea Casiraghi
Age: 26
Country: Monaco

Prince Harry  Age: 26
 Country: England

 Prince Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland
Age: 31
Country: Sweden

 Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg
Age: 19
Country: Luxembourg