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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random As Spork 5 Things

1.) I could never commit suicide, I'd have to plan it and make a list of things I wanted done after my death and to my remains. I like making lists, but I don't like planning so much. So I'll just wait for death to come the old fashioned way.

2.) These people who track asteroids heading toward the earth, could you please keep that information to yourselves, thank you. I'd rather not know and be taken out during sex or a amazing masturbation scession, or while asleep.

3) I officially hate twitter, I may need to abandon it like I did my Facebook.

4.) Pay phones who uses them nowadays?

5.) Everyone is all against bullying, except if your have a same sex partner and want the same rights as str8 people. Sighs HUMANS tsk tsk tsk.

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